No man is an Island
Financial help is always welcome, but there is much more needed in this expedition than cash.
Below are a few areas where I will need help or assistance. The logistics of the enterprise involves and enormous amount of contrasting and sometimes complicated information to woven into a game plan which leads to the Black Sea Coast.
Technical information, computer technology, filming tips, local knowledge particularly if you know some sea faring laws about restrictions of the passage of bananas over European waterways…
Your opinions thoughts and suggestions are also most welcome and all will be taken into consideration both in the planning stages and during the voyage.
Please use the contact box on the contact page to send messages.
Thank you in advance!
Need to Know..
Best cost effective video cameras
- How do GPS transponders get their info onto a lap top?
- Do I need a satalite radio phone or will an iphone do?
- Can I be tracked and my position shown on this website?
Help required with…
- Sponsoring and fund raising advice
- Acquisitions editors please phone
- World publicist expert required
- The director General of the BBC personal phone number